How fast time flies by when you have a million things going on! I had not realized how long it has been since we have updated our blog. YIKES.... but we have had many requests for pictures and updates that I thought I would slay the dragon and get it updated!

The biggest change for us is that we added another girl to our family a month ago (more on that later)! Last summer we had decided that our two little girls were going to make up our family and that we were not going to do anymore treatments to get another child. Well last conference weekend I started feeling TERRIBLE! I knew it couldn't be a pregnancy so I dismissed it. Well after going on a vacation for a week to Mt Rushmore and getting worse and worse, we bough a pregnancy test and it was positive. We did not believe it so we took 3 more to make sure. We were in such shock that it took me two more weeks to call the Dr. And the we didn't tell anyone till I could either see/hear the baby. I still did not believe that it coudld be happening. Well it did! In January we found out we were getting another girl! This pregnancy has been much harder than the other two. I have been really sick/tired until the end. I spent most of the pregnancy at home, so needless to say I am behind on a million things. But it was so worth it. We decided on the name Hattie Lee for her. The name has been a struggle. We changed our minds after thinking she was going to be an Anna. Not everyone has agreed with the change so that has been fun!

Another big change came in August when Emma started school. She got into the charter school that is just block away. We have loved the school and Emma is just learning by leaps and bounds. We found out in September that she qualified to stay all day monday-thursday. At first it was a big shock to us, but now we are grateful that she gets extra time and attention. It was a weird adjustment at first having just me and Stella home during the day. But a blessing for me when Stella would go down for a nap I would to. On June 8th she graduated from kindergarten and it now officially a first grader!

She also changed up her activities this year. This fall she tried soccer for the first time, She really struggled at first because she didn't want to be mean and take the ball from others. It was good for her to learn to be more attentive and not so spacey. We also thought we would try something different than dance. She has been taking ballet and tap but the past year she spent more time staring at the mirror at herself than dancing. So I signed her up for a tumble/cheer class. She had two of her good friends in there so I knew she would have fun. One of the first classes she did she came home saying " I don't like that class." I asked her why and she said "because it makes me all sweaty!" Emma has also been just soaking up the gospel these days. I love the insightful questions that she asked because I know she is listening and trying the gospel for herself. There is nothing better than watching your child fall in love with the gospel that you yourself love so much.

Stella turned 2 in November. And until a month ago she was my sweet little girl who obeyed everything you said and loved to cuddle... Now she is testing all of us. Some days I cant keep up with her. Her vocabulary has increased so much and she is talking in full sentences and still has her cute manners which makes it hard to be mad at her. In January she decided that she was ready to be potty trained. We had bought a little potty and had put it in the bathroom for the day when I would tackle that with her. Well the day after we got it she went in and used it by herself. After buying her the coveted Hello Kitty she basically potty trained. I was so amazed and grateful that she took upon herself to do it, because I knew it would be awhile before I could help her. Stella loves to spend the day following me around asking me what Im doing. She loves music and to dance around to it, just like her big sister. But her favorite thing is getting into Emma's room and playing in her chap sticks and special dolls she hides in there. Many a day she comes home from school and I'm getting scolded for letting her in there. I guess even moms cant get it right all the time!

We have gone on a couple of fun trips. In October during Emma's fall break we went to mt. Rushmore. It was so fun and there are so many things to do in that area. We barely did our list, most of it my fault. We went to see Mt. Rushmore and the camera battery dies. So we had to go back to get pictures. And then a couple of afternoons I was to sick to go anywhere so we spent alot of time in our room. We had to cut the trip short because Aaron's Grandpa Wiscombe passed away. We attended the funeral which was so beautiful and it was great to see Aaron's family again. Grandpa Wiscombe was such a wonderful part of the family and he will surely be missed but remembered. And then just last week we went to Fort Collins to visit Aaron's parents. They just moved there from Montana and we had not been before. It is so beautiful there and we saw so many beautiful places and enjoyed two warm days with them.
Right before Thanksgiving we had a minor accident. Poor Aaron was going to the grocery store to get me my lucky charms when a lady ran a red light. Aaron couldn't stop in time and hit her, our poor car was a gonner. It was so sad because we LOVED that car and were not ready to have to get a new one. Aaron had minor back injures that last about 6 weeks. But it made thanksgiving fun trying to secure a rental car so we could go to Utah to spend thanksgiving with the wiscombes. But in December we finally found a new car. We got a Chrysler Pacific. We have been really happy with it and loves that it seats 6 people, it will give us more room for our new little one.
This spring I was able to do two of my favorite things. I was able to attend time out for women again. This year we went to IF and made a weekend of it with some of my favorite people. It was wonderful to be surrounded with the spirit and take a little break from life. The end of April I was able to go away to Lava for our scrapbook weekend. Even though I had started to swell what an amazing weekend with friends. I was even treated to a baby shower while I was there. I seriously have some of the best friends around. They sure spoiled my little girl! (will post pics when I get them! )
Well hopefully that get us all caught up. If I remember things I will just back post them! I will do better about updated this for our family and friends since so many of them live far away now. Cant wait to get all caught up with you and get back into normal life!