I saw this title on a blog I follow and I thought it was perfect to sum up our blog. I feel bad that we have done a terrible job of keeping up with our blog, but have had many obstacles along the way. The biggest one was our terrible computer, which hubby fixed by buying me a beautiful one that is worthy of my many hours spent on it. So with my new toy I will try and update you and we can get this thing up and running again.
I guess I will start with my kids because they are the easiest to brag about!
Emma is 2 days away from turning 5 years old. I have no idea how that is happening. She still feels like my little baby. Maybe in my mind I'm trying to keep her that way! :) She is active in preschool where she can now name and write her letters. She loves learning and soaks up everything that she is taught. She also is in dance, I think she spends more time staring off into space than dancing but she swears that she loves it. She spends her days doing many girly things and also very boyish play. In February we were able to make the trip to Disney world (yes will post all about it later) and she was able to meet the princess which she talks about all the time. Emma is an independent girl and I spend my days trying to facilitate her. She loves her role as a big sister and just loves on Stella any chance she can get!
Next would be Aaron (got to save the best for last , right?) He has been super busy with work. He hit his 6 months that he had to stay with his current position and had been madly applying for HR manager jobs. He came close on one, but we are still having our fingers crossed for that right one. He also has started his Master classes. I'm not quite ready for that again, but it needs to be done so we will get through it. He was put in as the gospel doctrine teacher this summer. I'm sure he does an amazing job, but I never get to be in his class. He is sure a great father and hubby and takes good care of us!
Last would be me. I'm doing the same old! Balancing my wonderful family and my part time job. It is difficult at times, but some how all works out. I was put in as the primary chorister this past summer and seem to be always working on that. Who knew it would be such a demanding calling. I'm still chugging along with my scrapbooks and even get to head out of town next week to work on it. I also have joined a book club and have had a lot of fun reading new things and getting together with some great ladies. In January my brother left on his mission. It has been really weird having him gone and to think that he is old enough to serve a mission. We sure miss him but are so grateful for the work that he is doing. My dad is a convert so we know the value of a missionary.
Well I hope that helps get everyone all caught up. I will post the goods from our trip to Florida... since it was AMAZING! :) and then will start on the day to day stuff. Hope you enjoy. Sometimes it totally feels like nobody is reading this, but I know you are so I will do a better job!
I am reading your blog!! :) I am so glad your blog came out of hibernation. It is great to see pictures of the girls- Stella sure is changing a lot and really getting big! Can't wait to see more updates!!
Haha, I am trying to get OUT of my primary chorister position now that I A) have a brand new baby and B) am moving out of the ward in 3 weeks. It really IS a demanding calling with the prep work and I feel like I'm always toting around a TON of stuff. But it is really rewarding, I don't know about you, but as a "grown up" I don't remember many specific primary lessons, but I remember EVERY song I was taught. And that's a pretty powerful thing to be able to share. There are some primary chorister blogs listed on my blog if you need more inspiration!
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