Wednesday, May 5, 2010

a pinkalious party!

Emma's favorite book is called pinkalious. It is about a girl who loves pink and eats to many pink cupcakes and then turns pink. I saw online someone had done a party with it, and Emma and I thought it would be a cute idea. So we went with it. We search all over town for everything pink for the party. Emma was such a big helper with her party and really appreciated it all. It was funny because she had such a girly party and invited alot of boys. But it all worked out! Here is Emma in her Pinkalious outfit
and Her pink decorations for the party

We started the party with coloring pages from the book,

followed by the reading of the story for those who had not heard it before,

playing pin the cherry on the cupcake

followed by decorating of pink cupcakes.

Everyone had such a great time and I think it was a hit, well at least a hit with the one person that matter, miss Emma!


Marley Family said...

So cute! I want a girl someday so we can have a pinkalious party.

Melinda said...

It was a way fun party!!

Jessica & Ryan said...

looks like fun!!

Evan and Lauren said...

WOW! What a party- Emma is a lucky girl! So cute! I love the picture of sweet Stella smiling- looks like she enjoyed the party, too!